Barrackとしての主な活動 Projects involved as Barrack

SETO Comtemporary Art Exhibition


Seto City in Aichi Prefecture has long been known as a city of ceramics. In fact, it has been so famous that the name of the city can be found in a traditional Japanese term for ceramics “seto mono”. In recent years, more and more artists are moving to Seto, and they are not just potters. There are many ceramic industry-related workshops and warehouses that are turned into an atelier or an art studios. This transition blew a new wind to the city, but Seto’s heart still held the traditional craftsmanship. This triannual Seto Contemporary Art Exhibition was established as part of continual research while managing the art space within the city. This exhibition shows what is “changing and sustaining” through artists’ work. Participating artists are all related to Seto city in one way or another.

Photos by Hiroshi Tanigawa, Takashi Uemura

  • PARCO Wall Gallery NAGOYA
  • PARCO Wall Gallery NAGOYA


名古屋PARCO主催のポップアップギャラリーイベント「第一回PARCO Wall Gallery NAGOYA」のディレクションを行った。会期中、足立涼、こいけぐらんじ、近藤佳那子、古畑大気、文谷有佳里の5名の作家を紹介。足立、こいけぐらんじ、近藤、古畑の作品画像をプリントしたターポリンを館内各所に設置し、文谷は西館入口ガラス戸にドローイングを行った。

Art Space & Cafe Barrack directed the first PARCO Wall Gallery NAGOYA, a pop-up gallery event organized by Nagoya PARCO. During the exhibition, works by five artists—Ryo Adachi, Koike Grunge, Kanako Kondo, Taiki Furuhata and Yukari Bunya—were featured. Tarpaulins printed with images of Adachi, Koike, Kondo and Furuhata’s works were installed throughout the venue, while Bunya drew on the glass door at the west entrance of the building.

Photos by Ryo Adachi

  • Toss, The Ball
  • Barrack:近藤佳那子/古畑大気
  • tou;(北海道洞爺)
  • Toss, The Ball
  • Barrack: Kanako Kondo/Taiki Furuhata
  • tou; (Toya, Hokkaido)


奈良さんは、時々私たちに少し遠くからポンっとボールを投げてくれる。私は、いつもそれを受け取りたいと思っている。(Barrack 近藤)


2023.9.9 12:00 – 16:00
tou; 1階cokyuuにてコラボ出店

Shoko and Seto



“Shoko and ○○” Re-TAiL (Ichinomiya, Aichi) The exhibition took in Ichinomiya, which has flourished with the textile industry. It sought to connect Seto and Ichinomiya, both as cities of craftsmanship and to establish the opportunity to consider the future of arts and cities.

real SOU #5 Walking
real SOU #5 Walking


大阪府茨木市を拠点に活動する稲垣元則と藤本聖美によるアートプロジェクトユニット「One Art Project」が企画する展覧会に古畑大気が参加。会期中に出張Barrackを行う。以降、茨木市内で行われるreal SOUプロジェクトにBarrackとして定期的に参加し双方の交流を深めている。

Hosted by “One Art Project” by artists Motonori Inagaki and Kiyomi Fujimoto who are based in Ibaraki, Osaka. Furuhata was invited to exhibit at the show hosted by the duo and Kondo also joined as Cafe Barrack. Since then, Barrack has collaborated with One Art Project by joining real SOU projects regularly.

  • いのちの移ろい展
  • 碧南市藤井達吉現代美術館
  • Passage of Life
  • Hekinan City Tatsukichi Fujii Museum of Contemporary Art



Kondo exhibited her works here and also opened a pop-up cafe for the duration of the show at the cafe on the ground floor.

© Hekinan City Tatsukichi Fujii Museum of Contemporary Art, Photo by Kuniyasu Kojima

  • ストリーミング・ヘリテージ 2021 spring|台地と海のあいだ
  • Barrack+阿野太一
  • Streaming Heritage 2021 spring | Between the Plateaus and the Sea
  • Barrack + Daici Ano



In this exhibition, Barrack and Daici Ano focused on the history of the relationship between The Seto Automatic Railway and the area of Horikawa. The former greatly contributed to the global export of Seto ceramics and the latter used to have the terminal station for water transportation. The exhibition took place in the former hatagoya, which is a type of accommodation for travellers in the Edo period. With the guest artist Daici Ano, they replicated the Art Space & Cafe Barrack in Seto in exactly the same size and exported it to Horikawa. The exhibition sought to explore a fragment of the history in their artworks, cafe and bar.

© Streaming Heritage | Between the Plateaus and the Sea

Barrack underpass
Barrack underpass


瀬戸市のArt Space & Cafe Barrackと並行して、2020年3月~2021年7月までの間、名鉄瀬戸線「清水駅」から「尼ヶ坂駅」にかけての高架下にあるSAKUMACHI商店街の空きテナントを活用した期間限定ギャラリー「Barrack underpass」を運営。約1年半の運営の中で8名の作家を紹介した。

Alongside Art Space & Cafe Barrack, Barrack also managed the temporary gallery space Barrack underpass, utilizing the empty tenant at the SAKUMACHI Shoutengai (Sakumachi Shopping Street) located between Shimizu station and Amagasaka station of Meitetsu Seto Line from March 2020 to July 2021. Throughout one year and a half, the gallery introduced eight artists.

  • アッセンブリッジ・ナゴヤ2019
  • 折元立身─26人の港まちのおばあさんのランチ
  • Assembridge Nagoya 2019
  • Tatsumi Orimoto – 26 Grandmothers Lunch in the port town



Barrack developed the food menu for Tatsumi Orimoto’s project. The lunch menu was inspired by local cafes which have been in business for a long time in the Nagoya Port area. It involved usual selections in such places as sandwiches and miso katsu (pork cutlet with miso sauce).

© Assembridge Nagoya, Photos by Tomoya Miura